RGN qualified Operational Manager with a strong background in management of operating theatres wards, sterile services and critical care. Broad understanding of overall hospital function and structure in terms of regulation, audit and governance, both financial and clinical. Ensured Theatre Utilisation Statistics were utilised to drive efficiency within perioperative medicine. Reviewed and made recommendations surrounding…
RGN and MBA qualified Operational Director, with over 15 years of experience managing and modernising operations for a number of esteemed hospitals and health care organisations. Significantly improved stroke services to AAA standard and improved mortality outcomes to best in UK at a large FT. Efficiently improved A&E services in six weeks from 134th in…
A clinically qualified (RGN) operational manager with over 30 years Acute NHS experience. Significantly improved patient flow through Emergency Department, fewer breaches attributable to ED causes and highlighted ‘back door’ issues to be addressed at a large NHS Acute Trust. Developed and implemented an action plan to improve Urgent Care performance. Expertly worked with the…
A clinically qualified (RGN) senior healthcare professional with extensive strategic and operational management experience working in a variety of Trusts across community, acute and voluntary sectors. Expertly delivered a 92% RTT for Orthopaedic speciality introduced waiting list management at ward level to ensure reduced cancellation on the day for elective patients. Successfully reviewed and actioned…
A highly motivated, adaptable, innovative, result orientated senior nurse leader with experience in progressive management roles in both the NHS and independent healthcare sector. RGN, MBA and Prince2 qualified, gained over 30 years of healthcare service beginning as a registered nurse and transitioning into a highly effective operational manager. Expertise in Theatres having delivered: Turnaround…
Extensively experienced operational manager with over 20 years NHS experience. MBA qualified teamed with a nursing background (RGN). Has managed the following services; Emergency Department, Respiratory services, General Surgery, Women’s & Sexual Health, Specialist Surgery and Anaesthetics. Efficiently led major strategic and operational change projects, impacting on the corporate agenda both in a primary and…
An excellent MBA and RGN qualified Manager with over 25 years’ NHS experience developing from a Clinician to an Operational Manager. Extensive management expertise has been developed through a variety of Acute and Support Directorate positions including; Medicine, Surgery, Theatres, Cardiothoracic, Cardiology & Respiratory, Medical Specialities and Imaging. Expertly developed a financial recovery plan and…
A highly effective interim with a wide range of clinical (RGN Qualified), managerial, and transformational experience predominantly within Acute and Community settings. Successfully worked in a variety of transformational and operational roles, delivering projects by maximising available resources to meet increase demand without compromise to safety or quality. Expertly led on the development of an…
A highly experienced clinically qualified (RGN & RMN) Commissioner with over 25 years NHS experience in Commissioning and Provider organisations. Expertly produced the QIPP Programme Ambulatory Emergency Care full business case and 3 year work programme in partnership with local CCG and acute provider. Effectively developed commissioning targets for an Urgent Care Centre services at…
A highly experienced clinically qualified (RGN & RMN) Mental Health Commissioner with over 25 years NHS experience in Commissioning and Provider organisations. Expertly led negotiation of associate mental health contracts for a CCG with neighbouring providers to eliminate NCA processes. Led local IAPT whole system recovery programme, including marketing strategy and securing funding stream to…